Forum Dialog e.V.
Mohrenstraße 34
10117 Berlin
Telefon: (0)30 31 51 99 88
E-Mail: berlin(at)
Forum Dialog e.V.
Mohrenstraße 34
10117 Berlin
Telefon: (0)30 31 51 99 88
E-Mail: berlin(at)
Das Forum Dialog wird am „The European Youth Event (EYE2016)“ teilnehmen.
The European Youth Event (EYE2016) will take place in the European Parliament seat in Strasbourg on 20th-21st May 2016. It is a unique opportunity for 7000 young Europeans to make their voices heard.
EYE2016 with textDuring the event, the participants will exchange ideas and perspectives on youth-related issues and on the future of the European Union. The EYE will focus on 5 main themes:
-War and Peace: Perspectives for a Peaceful Planet,
-Apathy or Participation: Agenda for a Vibrant Democracy,
-Exclusion or Access: Crackdown on Youth Unemployment,
-Stagnation or Innovation: Tomorrow’s World of Work,
-Collapse or Success: New Ways for a Sustainable Europe.
Nähere Details zum Event finden Sie unter